Subject information

Information about the subcets that you can choose from

  • You must choose six subjects from a total of five study groups. (Please note that as of now, The Arts will not be offered as a sixth subject group in 2025).
  • In-depth study: You must select an in-depth study in a higher level (HL) of at least three subjects. Your other subjects will be at Standard Level (SL).
  • The Core is unique to the IB Diploma and is mandatory for all students and play a special role in the programme. The Core consists of Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) and Extended Essay (EE)  
    • TOK provides among others opportunity for students to:  
      • Reflect critically on areas of knowledge in their own culture and the wider world.
      • Be aware of themselves as thinkers and recognise the need to act responsibly.  
    • You will have to complete an Extended Essay (EE), which allows you the opportunity to demonstrate your interests and take the time to do in depth-research on a topic of your choice.
    • Not everything is just academics. Every student must complete the core element CAS as part of the Diploma Programme Studies. CAS involves students in a range of activities alongside their academic studies helping them to understand the importance of being contributors to the local and global society.  
  • You will become more confident in English as you will learn concepts and vocabulary relevant to your subjects in English, thus becoming truly bilingual.
  • You will be a part of the IB community, and you will be encouraged to participate in a wide range of student led activities.

As an IB-student at Aust-Lofoten vgs you may choose among the following subjects*:

As an IB-student at Aust-Lofoten vgs you may choose among the following subjects*:
Subject groups   Subjects* (may vary year to year) 
1.    Studies in language and literature  English A, Language & Literature HL/SL Norwegian A, Language & Literature HL/SL Self-taught Language A 
2.     Studies in language acquisition   Norwegian B, HL 
3.     Individuals and Societies   History SL/HL Environmental System and Societies SL 
4.     Sciences   Physics HL/SL  Chemistry HL/SL Environmental System and Societies SL 
5.     Mathematics   Analysis & Approaches HL/SL Application & Interpretations SL 
6.     Electives/The Art  Another course from group 1, 3 or 4. 
* Please note that The Arts will not be offered as a subject group in August 2025, but it may be offered later. Students must therefore choose electives from other subject groups.